Sunday, January 4, 2015

AP and Telangana 10th Pay Revision Commission(PRC) V-1 Report

Government of Andhra Pradesh constituted the Tenth Pay Revision Commission Vide G.O.Ms.No.95, G.A. (Spl.A)Department,dated: 28.2.2013. The Government also appointed Sri Pradip Kumar Agarwal, IAS (Retd) as Pay Revision Commissioner

Some important points of Pay Revision Comission(PRC) V-1 Report is as follows

The Pay Revision Commission 1993 introduced the concept of ‘Master Scale’ for the first time
The Commission recommends a fitment of 29% on Basic Pay.
The Commission further recommends that the fitment in the revised scale may be made in the following manner:
(1) D.A. admissible as on 01/07/2013 i.e., 63.344% may be added to the Basic pay.
(2) 29% of the basic pay may be added to the total of Basic pay + D.A. arrived at (1) above;
(3) The pay of the employees should be fixed in the relevant revised scale at the stage next above the amount arrived at as at (2) above;
(4) If an employee’s pay when fixed as above falls short of the minimum in the revised pay scale, it shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale;
(5) If the amount so fixed exceeds the maximum, the excess shall be treated as personal pay and it should be absorbed in future pay increases or in the stagnation increments sanctioned.
The Commission recommends that the revised pay scales should come into force from 1.7.2013.
The Commission therefore recommends the minimum pay for the lowest paid employees to be Rs.13,000/per month as on 1.7.2013.
The Commission accordingly worked out a ‘Maximum Pay’ of Rs.1,10,850/­, which represents a Minimum to Maximum ratio of 1:8.527.
The Commission recommends the ‘Master Scale’ to comprise of 32 grades and 80 segments. Since the tradition in the State has been to revise the pay every five years, the DA sanctioned as on 1/7/2013 is subsumed in the Revised Pay Scale. The new Master Scale recommended by this Commission for adoption from 1/7/2013 is as follows:
Rs.13000­-390-­14170­-430­-1546-0­470­-16870­-510­-18400­-550­-20050­-590­-21820­-640­-23740­-700­-25840­-760-­28120-­820­-30580­-880­-33220­-950­-36070­1030­-39160-1110­-42490-­1190­-46060­-1270­-49870­-1360­-53950-1460­-58330­-1560­-63010­-1660­-67990­-1760-­73270­-1880-­78910­-2020­-84970– 2160– 91450– 2330­-100770-­2520–110850(80)

Download Complete PRC Report
  1. 10th PRC Volume-I Book 2014.pdf
  2. 10th PRC Volume-II/1 Book 2014.pdf
  3. 10th PRC Volume-II/2 Book 2014.pdf
  4. 10th PRC Volume-III Book 2014.pdf
  5. 10th PRC Volume-IV Book 2014.pdf
  6. 10th PRC Volume-V Book 2014

Tags:10th Pay Revision Commission,AP,Telangana State PRC 2015,PRC Report,PRC Details,Fitment, Increment, Employees,Teachers, AP, Telangana-TS,Master Scales,Minimum Pay,Maximum Pay,
10th prc report,10th Pay Revision Commission report,AP,Telangana State PRC 2015,PRC Report,PRC Details,Fitment, Increment, Employees,Teachers, AP, Telangana-TS,Maximum Pay,prc recommendations,AP Telangana State Employees,TeachersMaster Scales,Minimum Pay.



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