TS Edcet 2016 1st Final Phase Certificate Verification,Web Options Dates
TS/Telangana #Edcet 2015 2nd #Final #Phase #Certificate #Verification,#Web #Options #Dates:The qualified candidates of TS EdCET-2015 Examination who have participated can exercise the web options if required and who have not participated are informed to attend the certificate verification for exercising web options for admission into two years B.Ed. course for the academic year 2015-16 on the dates mentioned against their state-wide rank and methodology, in any one of the Helpline Centers (HLCs) (See Annexure-I) with all original certificates as detailed below.
- TS EdCET-2015 Rank Card
- TS EdCET-2015 Hall Ticket
- Degree certificate of qualifying exam and memorandum of marks
- Intermediate Memo-cum pass certificate or its equivalent
- SSC or its equivalent marks memo
- Study certificates from 9th class to graduation
- Residence certificate (in case where the candidate had private study without any institutionalized education)
- Residence certificate of either of parents in Telangana for 10 years in case of non-local candidates excluding the period of employment outside the state. This certificate should be obtained from the Tahsildar.
- Transfer Certificate (TC)
- Income certificate issued after 01.01.2015
- Aadhar Card
- Caste certificate issued by Competent Authority (in case of SC/ST/BC).
- Xerox Copies of two sets of the original certificates
Eligibility for admission and selection for methodology
1. The Candidates should be Indian National.
2. The Candidates should satisfy Local/Non-Local status requirements as laid down in the Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order 1974 as subsequently amended.
3. Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have secured a minimum of 50% marks either in the Bachelors Degree i.e. B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. (Home Science)/B.Com./B.C.A./B.B.M and or in the Masters Degree in relevant subject or 5years integrated course in the relevant subject of methodology or any other qualification equivalent thereto. Candidates should have secured a minimum of 55 % marks in B.E/B.Tech with Science/Mathematics as one of the subject or any other qualification equivalent there to, are eligible for admission to the programme However, the candidates belonging to all other reserved categories i.e. S.C., S.T., B.C. (A/B/C/D/E), and Physically handicapped should have secured a minimum of 40% marks in the qualifying examination.
Note: As per the GOMS No: 92, the candidates who passed M.B.B.S/B.D.S/B.A.M.S./ B.L/ L.L.B/ B.A. (Languages)/ B.O.L etc. and other such professional courses are not eligible for admission into B.Ed course.
1- Mathematics Candidates: with B.A. / B.Sc. / B.E / B.Tech., with Mathematics as one of the subjects or B.C.A. candidates with Mathematics at Intermediate level as a group subject
2- Physical Sciences:Candidates with B.Sc./ B.E / B.Tech, who have studied Physics and Chemistry or allied material sciences as one of the subjects or B.C.A. candidates with Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) at intermediate level as a group subject
3- Biological Sciences:Candidates with B.Sc. / B.Sc. (Home Science) who have studied Botany and Zoology or allied Life Sciences under Part II group subjects or B.C.A candidates with Biological Sciences at intermediate level as group subjects
4- Social Studies: All candidates with B.A / B.Com / B.B.M or B.C.A candidates with Social Sciences at intermediate level as a group subject
5- English Candidates: with B.A Special English / B.A English Literature or M.A. English
Fees Details:
1. Processing Fee to be paid at the time of certificate verification (non refundable) for SC/ST candidates Rs. 250/- and for others Rs. 500/-
2. The Tuition Fee for Government/University/Aided/ Private Unaided Colleges varies from Rs. 2,700/- to Rs. 20,200/-.
3. Tuition fee particulars and seats available under Convener Quota College wise will be notified on the website (http://tsedcet.tsche.ac.in/) well before the commencement of counseling (option entry). Tuition Fee and Special Fee as fixed by the Government shall be paid per annum.
4. The fee reimbursement for eligible candidates is subject to the guidelines issued by the Government from time to time.
Other Details:
1. Mere attending for Web Counseling does not guarantee a seat.
2. The list of HLCs are provided in Annexure-I.
** The candidates who have already got their Certificates verified need not attend for Certificate verification once again, they can exercise web options directly
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